Complete Chiropractic

Update 20/10/2023

Please note the clinic is closed for the week of the 23rd and I will be returning to clinic from the 30th.



Update 28/11/2022
Please note the closed clinic dates during the upcoming holidays outside of normal operating hours.

26th December – CLOSED
2nd -6th January – CLOSED

Otherwise I hope everyone has a Happy Christmas and New Year

Update 01/08/2022

I am on leave for a bit from the 10/08 – 28/08. This does mean that unfortunately the clinic will not be taking New Patient referrals during this time but can still be booked online via Fresha for my return.

For existing patients my Chiropractor, Colin Rance (Welwyn Chiropractic), will be helping me maintain some degree of a functioning clinic but it does mean a temporary reduction in clinic session dates/times and so Complete Chiropractic will only be open Monday and Wednesday evenings from 4pm.

Please make use of the Fresha online booking software to book with Colin and reschedule as necessary during this time but I will continue to be available for contact at, there will be a delay in replying.


Update 31/12/21

Happy Belated Christmas and New Year!!

There are murmurings around my hospital about rolling back the year and opening a Covid ward again, this may involve my redeployment. Or I may be redeployment into the vaccine centre. I cannot work with Covid positive patients and practice in the clinic so I will keep people updated but please be aware there may be late notice cancellation of appointments for the next month depending on risk.

Update 05/05/21

Just a short update to thank everyone for their support to the clinic for the last year. It has not been easy but everyone has been so supportive and kind, it has been a pleasure to to be your Chiropractor.
The global picture for Coronavirus still hasn’t shown any signs of slowing even though the improvements in the UK are very noticeable. Please everyone continue to be sensible over the coming months.

Update 02/02/21

So a short reprieve. The hospital stopped admitting patients with Covid over the weekend and I have returned to my normal role and expect this to now not change (there may be a few shift changes around vaccinations but this should not impact the clinic). My recent PCR and lateral flow tests are all negative and so I will be returning to clinic as of the 3rd with normal opening hours returning and online booking becoming fully available again including for new patients. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to keep in contact ( and please continue to follow the clinic guidelines as set out from June (face masks, isolating etc.)



Hand washing –

COVID-19 updates –

Staying calm –

Update 17/01/21

Unfortunately as some of you are now aware my situation in my nursing role has changed and from Monday 18th of January I will be based on wards with Covid positive patients. I therefore feel to keep practising in the clinic simultaneously is not appropriate due to the risk of me infecting others. I will be stepping out of the clinic for the next X amount of weeks until I am moved back into my normal role.

My Chiropractor, Colin Rance (Welwyn Chiropractic), will be helping me maintain some degree of functioning clinic but it does mean a temporary reduction in clinic session dates/times and so Complete Chiropractic will only be open Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 4pm. I will be in contact with you in the coming few days to reschedule you if you are booked in currently outside of these times.

Please make use of the Fresha online booking software to book and reschedule as necessary during this time but I will continue to be available for contact at and will endeavour to be back as soon as possible.

I will be sending out further messages when I have a clearer picture of a full return date.

Yours in health,


Update 08/01/21

Oh dear.

So, as the world of Chiropractic continues fairly well controlled with PPE and changes to clinic management, the world of nursing is shifting.

As most of you are aware I’m still a practising nurse at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, this has been to-date a “Green site” (no admitted Covid patients) and my role is not ward based so I can safely justify practising both in the hospital and the clinic.

This situation changed today as the hospital has now started admitting Covid positive patients for management to support the North London Partners in health and care. I have currently been re-deployed as a vaccinator for this and next week. I was moved from my current role into a ward facing role last Covid rush and this is likely to happen from the week of the 18th at the latest. If this becomes the case unfortunately I feel the risk/benefit ratio to my clinic patients becomes too high and I will not be practising until I deem it safe to do so again, likely mid-February at the earliest.

I do not want to stop services completely. To this end I have asked my Chiropractor, who is my mentor and colleague, to help cover some days a week to help people stay well maintained until my return. His name is Colin Rance and he has been a Chiropractor forever. We studied the same base technique and then several differing techniques over the post qualifying years so you will note similarities and differences to our adjustments.

The clinic will run a reduced service of Wednesday and Thursday evenings only. I will be calling to speak and rebook as necessary upcoming appointments. Please make use of my online booking through “Fresha” for availability as replying to voicemails and emails will be reduced during this time.

Yours in health,

Update 02/11/2020

Hmmm, So this is a moving house update but will likely have an addition mention when I get further guidance from my governing body regarding if things will change with Lockdown 2.0. I am hoping not much will happen as the rules from the first one regarding Chiropractic still haven’t been lifted but we will see.


After a fair few years at 15 High Street the clinic is down sizing to a tiny office on Granville Road for at least the next year. It is a 5 minute walk from St Albans City Station. There is on street parking with permit restrictions for Zone P (No parking from 13:00-15:30), and there is a steep single space off street directly in front of the building for your use which will be kept free.

Complete Chiropractic
The Office
23 Granville Road
St Albans

Our what3words address is later.digits.stone

UPDATE 22nd June 2020

So, back to normal?…Not quite. There are a significant number of changes that have had to be made to the whole process of treatment but we are starting appointments again this coming Wednesday. For the first few weeks of teething appointment times available to book online will be limited, please see the availability through the Fresha booking, either on the Fresha App directly or via our booking links.

Opening times will also differ slightly, if you had a previous treatment time that is not available with the current opening hours please email and I will see what I can do.

Changes for me. I will be treating in full PPE. Face mask, visor, gloves, gown, scrub tops. There is a cleaning schedule between each patient and a new screening/validating process on booking and attending clinic.

Changes for you. All patients must wear a face covering/ mask for the duration of their appointment. There are no longer toilet facilities at the clinic. There is no longer a waiting room. There is no longer a water fountain. No visitors unless career, parent or guardian.

There are risks of catching coronavirus when you attend for chiropractic treatment during a global pandemic, there is therefore a new consent form I must have everyone understand and sign prior to treatment. It can be found here and will be emailed to you on booking an appointment.

This will not be a permanent situation, we are not back to normal but we can start getting back to better.


Clinic Closure due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

UPDATE 14th May 2020

Urgh, everything continues. We are not yet at a position to start opening again yet for adjustments. I have now got virtual clinics being trialled and have got a good exercise/ stretching advice regimes I can tailor make so please do let me know if you are looking for some guidance/advice in this time and i’ll ping something along to you. Hope all are well and I will be providing further guidance when everything opens again, there will be changes (use of PPE during appointments, no visitors and longer sessions to accommodate no waiting room) but I will explain all these plans when we get a start date. Stay safe.


25th March 2020Clinic Closure due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

It is with regret that after consultation with colleges, the MCA ( Mctimoney Chiropractic Association) and the ongoing government advice I am cancelling all appointments booked at Complete Chiropractic for the next three weeks, after which we will review. During this time all online booking through Fresha will be disabled.

I will be in contact with all patients who have an appointment booked during this time.

Any patients who require urgent treatment will undergo a telephone triage appointment beforehand, whereby consideration will be given to determine if treatment can be conducted at the clinic.

Treatments in the clinic will only be conducted as a last resort and after alternative methods have not been successful, eg telephone advice, regular pain relief medication and 7 days rest and may be at non-standard times due to my ongoing nursing commitment.

If you have concerns about the current healthcare situation please see the links below which may help facilitate answers to concerns you currently have.

Hand washing –

COVID-19 updates –

Staying calm –

Please remember I am only an email away and if you need any advice or support whilst the clinic is closed do not hesitate to contact me on

I would like to thank all of my patients for the continued support and loyalty and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Please look after your loved ones and stay safe.

Yours sincerely,

Dennis Hazell,
(MChiro, MMCA, Dip
(Chiropractor – GGC reg no: